Advertise with Me!

Become A Sponsor of The Pinspired Mom
I love promoting other blogs and businesses! 
My numbers are small but growing and I would love to help you grow as well!
My sponsor packages are low cost and would be a great way to get your name out to the public.
I update my blog, Facebook page, and Pinterest regularly and network in numerous ways to get my page and information out to the public.
All blog posts are pinned and shared with my followers on Pinterest.

Please see all the sponsor packages at the bottom of this page.
I look forward to working with you! I am also willing to share ads (trade them via Passionfruit ads).  Please email me if you have any questions at

Product Reviews & Giveaways
I would love to review your products and help you get your name out to the public! I am also willing to run giveaways to go along with the reviews! Get those items into potential customers' hands!! Email me at
with the following info!
  • Who are you and what are you all about?
  • What am I reviewing? Tell me about it!
  • What is it worth?
  • How do I use it?
  • How much time can I take to review? (I will do my very best to get any and all reviews posted within a month's time, depending on the product)
Please- keep all items kid and family friendly. If you would like to include a giveaway with your Review, please make sure you include all of your websites (Facebook, blog, pinterest, etc) in your initial email, as well as the description, cash value, and picture of the product you'd like to giveaway. Giveaways are a great way to increase Likes and Traffic to your pages.
DISCLAIMER: I am under no obligation to post a positive review. I reserve the right to decline to review and/or host a giveaway as well.

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