
Monday, April 8, 2013

My goody bag solution (a mini-tutorial)

A last minute decision by Miss I has caused me to have to re-think the goody bag contents for her Sofia the First birthday party. For the longest time the party was going to be a "Girls Only" party, until the day the invitations went out and she decided to invite all the boys in her class. No problem when it comes to activities, however the goody bags I had planned were pretty girl/princess-centric. Mini tiaras, bubble rings, heart bracelets, amulets, and a sucker. So I did some thinking, and came up with this- Sucker, tiaras, bubble ring "potions", heart bracelets, jumping frog, and miniature wooden Knight's sword. Where in the world did I find a mini wooden Knight's sword you ask???? My craft cabinets of course! I had seen ideas of Knight shields and Bubble swords for the boys floating around, but I needed something small just for the gift bags, so I decided to make my own mini swords! Here's how you can too!!
Popsicle sticks
Hot glue/wood glue
Acryclic paint (colors of your choice!)
Paint brush
Wood cutter of some sort (I used rose bush pruning shears)

1. Cut one popsicle stick into thirds
2. Glue a small piece onto a full popsicle stick approx 2.5 to 3 inches from the end
3. Let dry
4. Paint handles the color of your choice (I used black)
5. Paint the "blade" in the color of your choice (I used metallic white, followed by a coat of gold glitter paint)

That's it!! You just made a popsicle stick sword! Easy peasy lemon squeezy!

Since they are, in fact, popsicle sticks, the ends are rounded so the worst injury anyone could actually receive from these is *maybe* a splinter. But I figure if they're safe enough to be licked by 4 year olds then they should be safe enough to be held by them. So there you have it, an easy idea for boys' goody bags at a girl's princess party! (And I'm guessing the girls will have just as much fun with them!)


  1. Following from the TGIF blog hop. Cute craft ideas here! Would for you to check out my blog.

    Michiko @

  2. My sons ski instructor did these for "pirate day" last winter. He still has it and plays with it all the time. Great idea.
    New follower from the blog hop, hope you can stop by sometime:

  3. new follower from TGIF Blog Hop.


  4. These are cute! Very creative - I am so enjoying blog hop!

  5. Thank you so much for this idea. I was going crazy looking for places where i could purchase them..... My daugher is turning one in September and the theme is going to be fairies. I have a large family and we usually invite all my relative.. so as you can imainge there will be a lot of kids both girls and boys and this idea is going to help me big time in not going over my budget.

  6. So cute! I was hoping you would be able to answer a question about your blog! My email is Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com :-)
