
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Hey You!! Yes, YOU!!

Good, I'm glad I have your attention! I just want to say thanks. Thanks for making me feel special by reading my blog. You took time out of your busy day to stop and read about my blessed life. And all the crazy stuff that goes on in it. Maybe you can relate to me, maybe you don't. Maybe you're truly interested, or maybe you're a crazy stalker. Who knows?! But regardless of WHY you're here, you're here and that makes you pretty awesome because you obviously grasp the level of awesomeness that is me. Otherwise you wouldn't be here at all. So, thanks! You're attention has made me feel that much more awesome!

Now since you're here, I'm wondering if there's something you might be looking for? Inspiration if you will? Or, I guess in this case, PINspiration! Well, I decided to share some of my favorite inspiring, funny, motivational, and thought provoking pins. I hope one of them hits home for you and helps you in whatever struggles you may be having in your world.


  1. You're so cute and I have like half of those pins on my pinterest too! I think we're gonna get along just fine! <3

  2. I love Pinterest and couldn't wait to see what others did with all the inspiration. I hoped to be validated for trying all these mostly-awesome ideas. Also if I was to start a blog I would have probably chose a similar theme lol. Keep it up!!

  3. OH I LOVE THESE thanks so much for sharing
